We are filming our film opening in a few different places, so we need to make sure that we rule out any risks that could occur when filming in these places.
One place we are filming is the dome, there is a few risks in the dome. The main risk is the entrance, this is because it is a revolving door. It is very important that people only go through the door one at a time because in the past students have got their limbs shut in the door and this has caused them an injury.

Another place we are filming is the school swimming pool, we need to make sure that we are supervised here as this is a place where many hazards could occur. Even though we can all swim to a good standard, we still have to make sure that a qualified lifeguard is around so that if anything does happen, there is a qualified person around to save the person drowning.

In the dance studio there is a few risks, an example would be falling over and twisting your ankle. To prevent this from happening, we should make sure that the floor is safe to walk or dance on. Another risk in this location could be dropping a weight on your foot, to make sure that this doesn't happen, we should ensure that the weight is a suitable weight for the person carrying it, so that they then don't do themselves any damage when lifting it.