We are filming our film opening in a few different places, so we need to make sure that we rule out any risks that could occur when filming in these places.
One place we are filming is the dome, there is a few risks in the dome. The main risk is the entrance, this is because it is a revolving door. It is very important that people only go through the door one at a time because in the past students have got their limbs shut in the door and this has caused them an injury.
Another place we are filming is the school swimming pool, we need to make sure that we are supervised here as this is a place where many hazards could occur. Even though we can all swim to a good standard, we still have to make sure that a qualified lifeguard is around so that if anything does happen, there is a qualified person around to save the person drowning.
In the dance studio there is a few risks, an example would be falling over and twisting your ankle. To prevent this from happening, we should make sure that the floor is safe to walk or dance on. Another risk in this location could be dropping a weight on your foot, to make sure that this doesn't happen, we should ensure that the weight is a suitable weight for the person carrying it, so that they then don't do themselves any damage when lifting it.
Usain bolt speech about athletics is played over the top of Renae and Sophie training
Opening shot is a close up shot on an alarm clock showing the time, this will be a close up just to show the time and it has a resemblance throughout the opening. during this shot it will be a close up to a wide shot so the shot will glide back to show the whole room.
There is then a close up shot of a calendar and then from that a closer shot of a certain date of the competition.
Another close up shot of Renae putting on shoes.
Wide shot of Renae shouting to her dad OR shot of Renae putting water in her gym bag
Close shots and wide shots of the gym shown the environment Renae is just about to enter.
Close up shot of Renae walking through the door.
Changes to Sophie, quick change to close up of Sophie closing her door and putting her hood up in the rain.
Marketing campaign is a key moment in order for our film to get enough views. We wish to have a wide variety of types of campaign that will intrigue our primary audience as well as our secondary audience. These types of campaigns will be more aimed towards the secondary audience as the main audience will be intrigued as soon as they see one type of the marketing campaign. The main type of marketing campaign that we are looking into getting the most viewers from is social media. With social media being statistically proven that it gains most of their viewers, many companies like to pursue with this type of idea to campaign for their film. Through our social media we wish to campaign more types through social media, such as poster campaigns and links to radio adds. Social media types that we are looking into producing for our film is T|witter, Facebook and Instagram. This is enough social media platforms that allows our type of audience to share our information and to promote the film to their friends and family. Further down the line with the making of the film, we have thought about developing a Snapchat account to show fans of the film the progress of our film making.
A different type of campaign that we wish to promote our film with is billboards, posters and the sides of buses. This type of social media enables a wide range of people to see what type of film it is and as there is buses that travel it will be aimed towards more people rather than the primary and secondary audience. Through billboards and posters, this can be a marketing idea to campaign for the actors within the film, if they are familiar actors this will intrigue people to come and watch the film. Also if someone sees an actor that is their favourite they will want to try and see the film as they enjoy watching that certain actor.
Another type of marketing campaign that we desire to use to promote our film would be radio adverts. This is a good type of broadcasting technique because it will get a range of audience intrigued. By using a radio advert to promote our film we could get various different radio adverts to be broadcasted, this means that different types of radios will be intriguing a range of audiences which allows more people to come and watch the film. Within our radio advert we can talk about the themes that our film portrays and slight events that will occur. This will give the audience an idea of what will happen throughout, giving people the chance to decide whether they like the film or not.
Our main audience (primary audience) for our film consists of 12-20 year olds which is a wide range of people. It ranges from young teenagers to young adults. The primary audience after the film release may extend a little bit more for people in their 20's to 30's. However, regardless of the audience depending on their age, the main people that will be attracted to the film will be sportsman as a group as they will enjoy watching something that they feel passionate about. Although footballers or cricketers many not like to watch a film about girls doing athletics, it is still along the same topic which enables a wide range of people to be attracted to the film.
The picture above is the type of person that we have in mind that is our target audience. We aim to role in as much variety of an audience as possible.
Moreover, as for the secondary audience, this is the type of people that will be brought along to watch the film without an eager feeling to watch it. For example, someone is really wanting to go to the cinema and watch it, they will ask someone to bring their partner / friend / sibling or parents along, to ensure that they get a chance to watch the film. The secondary audience is the audience that we hope too boost our intake of our money and hope to get most of our profit from. Although there will be more viewers that are our primary audience there will still be a large majority of people that are our secondary audience.
Production Diary 1 07/11/16 Today was the first day of being introduced to our groups and we was told to begin discussing between the groups to get a slight understanding of each others ideas. Renae, Travis and I were all placed in a group together and we was satisfied with each others thoughts and we helped expand each idea to make sure we could picture it too its fullest potential. We can up with a variety of film opening sequences and a few genres. Some of the genres we thought of was, Mystery (magic), Sport and Comedy. We tried to balance out the positives and negatives of each film opening and decided that realistically, the magic film and sport film would effectively be the best. Production Diary 2 08/11/16 As Sophie was the only one present in her team on this day she followed through with making a presentation with the ideas discussed within the group. Sophie decided to list down all the categories needed to be within the presentation to suggest to the class. We then shared out our responsibilities and got ideas from each other whilst asking about our own categories to complete. Production Diary 3 09/11/16 Within this day, as a group, we discussed our ideas further and came up with more ideas revolving around the content and locations for our film. We came to a result that we are more persuaded by the idea of the sport film as it will be more realistic to film and complete with our school being a sports college. Not only that factor, but also a variety of different shots and locations can be used to make it seem more interesting. We emailed the Olympic stadium office asking if it was possible to use the inside of the Olympic stadium to film the track and to film the stadium seats for a panning shot within the film. If the reply is negative then we thought about just filming a shot outside the Olympic stadium with Renae and Sophie walking towards the building. Another shot we could involve within this location is a panning shot of Renae and Sophie looking out onto the Olympic stadium. Production Diary 4 10/11/16 Throughout this day, we needed to have finished our presentation to show our ideas as a whole to the rest of the class. As we presented our presentation to the class they made notes for feedback which we would then read and take on board to make our presentation the best it can be. We received vocal feedback in help for our title and explained our idea for the film further.
Production Diary 5 14/11/16 Today, we started planning our shots and our script. We also had a discussion with our teacher about what actors we need in our film opening. We are planning to have a two different p.e teachers from our school to be coaches for the two running girls in our film. We are thinking of having a more experienced coach for Renae as she is the 'rich' girl, and we are then thinking of having a less experienced coach for Sophie as she is the less fortunate girl. We have also started to plan the outfits that the girls will wear in the different scenes. In the running scenes Renae will have up to date running clothes and trainers, whereas Sophie will have run down and worn out clothes and trainers. This will show to the audience the difference in the two girls.
Today we were asked to watch student's film opening's and mark them on what we feel they did well and also what they didn't do so well.
I gave this film opening a level 3. This is because it had good camera angles and the camera shots were all very steady. They chose good music which matched really well with the story and the genre. The titles were very well spaced out. I didn't give it a level 4 as I felt that the storyline was very random.
A School's Nightmare
I gave this film opening a level 4 because I felt that it had a very good storyline that not many people would have thought of. The filming and camera angles were very good. They also chose good sound which added to the effect of their genre.
I gave this film opening a level 3, this is because it had a good and interesting storyline. It also had good music which went well with the genre which was teen rom com. Also, the titles came onto the screen in an interesting way which no one else had done.
I gave this film opening a level 4. This is because right from the start of it the audience is intrigued. There is good timing between the titles, and there is also a very good storyline. Even though the genre is thriller, it is a different thriller to which most students would have chosen. They also chose a very good location which made their film opening even better.
In this lesson we had to analyse the film openings and write down the order in which the titles go in. Candyman
1. Tristar pictures presents
2. in association with polygram filmed entertainment
3. propaganda films production
4. Bernard rose film
5. Candyman
6. Virgina Madsen
7. Tony Todd
8. Xander Berkely
9. Hasi Lemmonds
10. executive producer Clive Barker
11. executive in charge of production
12. casting by Jason La Padura
13.sound, makeup & costume design
14. film editor
15. production design
16. music
17. based on...
18. produced by...
19. written & directed by...
Captain America - In this film opening the titles come up every three seconds and the whole opening lasts for 1 minute and 56 seconds.